Research & Development of Distance Education in Asia: A Comparative Study between Korea National Open University, South Korea and Indira Gandhi National Open University, India

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Ashok GABA
Shinja KOO


 The objective of the present paper is to analyse the research and development of distance education in two mega universities of Asia i.e. Korea National Open University (KNOU), Seoul, South Korea and Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, India. The first part of the paper compares the growth of distance education through analysis of the admission policies, enrolment trend, students support services and instructional system of both these institutions. The second part of the paper highlights the status, review and areas of research and research policies of these institutions.  The findings of the paper are based on primary and secondary source of information.

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How to Cite
GABA, A., & KOO, S. (2007). Research & Development of Distance Education in Asia: A Comparative Study between Korea National Open University, South Korea and Indira Gandhi National Open University, India. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 5(3), 19 - 32. Retrieved from


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