Autonomy and Autonomous Language Learning: Extramural Media in intra-mural Language learning Milieu: Focus on Reading

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As giant strides taken in the advancement in ICT in the 21st century, a giant stride is also to be taken in language learning and teaching concerning ICT application and implementation. This project presents a promising solution to satisfy a high number of English Language learners' needs. Grounded on socio-cultural and constructivist theories of language learning including Krashenian, Vygoteskian and Ecological views, it focuses on promoting autonomous and self-directed language learning among the learners by meta-learning strategies and helping them find their feet and be equipped with thinking abilities. Having two homogeneous groups, from Humanities and Sciences students taking General English in Ardebil Payame Noor University, the control group, 36 subjects, were taught through printed programmed textbooks and conventional procedures e.g. reading texts and answering the likely questions raised individually. The experimental group, 36 subjects, instructed by their teacher and collaborated with both the teacher and the peer group in activities concerned with awareness-raising (telling 'aha') and higher order skills mastery and meta-cognitive skills including: problem-solving, hypothesis forming, and hypothesis testing, sound reasoning, gap-filling, as well as, receiving different options supplied through extra-mural facilities, in the form of aural, visual, and kinesthetic media. The data were analyzed based on t-test. The final tests results held comprehensively in Payame Noor University Centers in Iran, indicated that the subjects enjoying the higher order skills instruction and availing to various extra-mural facilities had a meaningful difference in their GL acquisition at 95% confidence level compared to those deprived of these privileges. Concerning different fields of study, Chemistry majors outperformed in GL acquisition. In the gender criterion a meaningful difference was found among the girls who outperformed the boys.

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How to Cite
AJIDEH , P. (2009). Autonomy and Autonomous Language Learning: Extramural Media in intra-mural Language learning Milieu: Focus on Reading . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 7(1), 34-68. Retrieved from


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