Some Reflections on Learner Support for Distance Learners: Feedback from the Field

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Kalpana S GUPTE


Learner support plays very crucial role on ODL system. Interaction with the learners in ODL is in-built through wide variety of means. SLM, counselling, assignment feedback, audiovideo lessons, teleconferencing, interactive radio counseling, are some of the means through which learner - counselor interaction with each other is ensured. This paper is an attempt in this direction. Based on the field based feedback study of learners, counselors and study centre functionaries, this paper aims to find out the existing system in the field at the grassroots level and provides some innovative and practical suggestions to improve the operational aspects of the ODL system to bring in more interaction between the learners, counselors and coordinators of the study centre functionaries so that credibility and mutual respect to the teaching – learning process in ODL system is achieved.

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How to Cite
GUPTE , K. S. (2009). Some Reflections on Learner Support for Distance Learners: Feedback from the Field . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 7(1), 71-83. Retrieved from


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