Tutors’ and Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences of ODL System in Bangladesh: A Study on Bangladesh Open University

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Md. Serazul ISLAM
Most. Najnin JAHAN


Bangladesh Open University (BOU), the first full fledged university in Bangladesh, operates in an exclusively open and distance learning (ODL) mode of education. BOU produces its course materials and runs its tutorial services by both print media and electronic media. The tutorial services, at different tutorial centers, are provided by the teachers (known as tutors of BOU) of the respective educational institutions where the learners are attached with. Utilizing a 91(29 for tutors and 62 for learners) question survey with 360 respondents, who are tutors employed on part -time basis and learners enrolled in Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) programs of BOU, the study examined what did they think about and what experiences they experienced in admission procedure, course or print materials, tutorial class, radio and television (TV) programs, final examination, results publication etc . Findings of the study revealed that most of the tutors and learners generally had a positive perception and attitude towards Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system of BOU, compared to traditional forms of education. The study ended with some recommendations that would help educators and the concerned authority plan and design effective open distance learning environment.

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How to Cite
ISLAM , M. S., & JAHAN , M. N. (2009). Tutors’ and Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences of ODL System in Bangladesh: A Study on Bangladesh Open University . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 7(1), 84-93. Retrieved from https://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/147


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