Multimedia compared to Text for Online Learning in India

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Educational innovations and technology emphasize on various approaches of teaching and learning. Multimedia approach is one such modern method where educational technology mirrors the progress in education process. Multimedia technology is able to motivate learners to learn due to the fact that it can touch their various modalities. The present study was undertaken to study the effectiveness of multimedia over the conventional method in teaching bloom’s taxonomy to distance mode teacher trainees. The sample consisted of 124 teacher trainees pursuing B.Ed. through distance mode. Pretest-post test control group design was followed for the study. The study sample responded to criterion test on bloom’s taxonomy developed by investigators. Data analysis involved the use of two way ANOVA (2x2factorial design) and t-test. The results indicated that (a) the teacher trainees when exposed to multimedia program yielded better learning and retention as compared to those taught through conventional method of teaching, and (b) multimedia proved to be more effective for low achievers as compared to high achievers teacher trainees.

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How to Cite
SAHNI, M., & SHARMA, A. (2012). Multimedia compared to Text for Online Learning in India. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 10(1), 35-44. Retrieved from


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