Reformations and Promoting Active Learning via Course Based Research [CBR] at the University of Fiji

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Ravneel Rajneel CHAND
Manpreet KAUR
Priyatma SINGH


Learning and teaching is geared to provide lifelong skills to its pupils – who are able to contribute to the economy not only as physical capitals, more so as human capitals with the source of wealth for social and economic development. At the backdrop of this vision is the University of Fiji’s five years Annual Strategic Plan 2017-2021, that relentlessly pursuits to develop a knowledge society through the University’s work-ready graduates. One of the undergraduate courses in the field of Science is exactly road mapping its course to expose learners to a great degree of research through hand-on research experience. This paper aims to investigate the merits of entailing Course-Based Research (CBR) practice in Science at undergraduate level at a tertiary institution. The paper further attempts to explore the plausible benefits of tying research experience at undergraduate study that is primarily content heavy and theoretical in nature. The paper provide recommendations for courses pitched at undergraduate level to consider entailing research experience in their programmes given the benefits it provides to learners venturing into the work field.

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How to Cite
CHAND, R. R., KAUR, M., & SINGH, P. (2018). Reformations and Promoting Active Learning via Course Based Research [CBR] at the University of Fiji. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 13(2), 20-31. Retrieved from


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