Survey of Research in Indian Distance Education

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Lakshmi MANTHA


Tradition of research in Indian distance education is not very strong. Only after the establishment of India Gandhi National Open University in 1985 serious research began. Distance education is a branch of general education and therefore distance education research and practices have been influenced by research on adult learning. Most of the research studies in Indian distance education are descriptive in nature. Some writers like Arun Gupta, Santosh K Panda, Ramesh C Sharma, P Satyanarayna, Lokesh Koul, Sanjay Mishra analysed and reviewed research studies. Broadly three concerns about research are highlighted – comprehensiveness, methodology and coverage of research problems studies. There is a need to develop conceptual framework for research. Integration of research philosophies methods and designs would benefit the developments of theory and practice in distance education.

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How to Cite
SATYANARAYANA, P., & MANTHA, L. (2018). Survey of Research in Indian Distance Education. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 13(2), 17-145. Retrieved from


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