A study of factors associated with online training on performance and satisfaction of academic counsellors
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The main objective of the study is to identify a set of factors with regard to online training environment that may lead to increased performance and satisfaction for online trainees. Around 722 academic counselors who will join the Academic counselors training programme (ACT-Online) of IGNOU and around 20 instructors/evaluators involved in the training programme will form the sample of the study. Two scales (Grasha & Reichmann’s Student Learning Styles Scale, Attitude Towards E-learning Scale) and three questionnaires were used (i) to study the perception of the participants and their level of satisfaction, (ii) to assess the performance of the participants before the training, (iii) to assess the performance of the participants after the training will be used for the study. All the questionnaires and scales will be administered online. The instructors/evaluators will be interviewed by the researcher in face-to-face situation. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses methods (Mean, SD, ANOVA, Correlation Matrix, Principle Component Factor analyses etc.) will be used. The data will be analysed using SPSS. The findings of the study would help the university to find out the effectiveness of the online training and also to improve the quality of ongoing and future online training programmes. The researchers in ODL, teachers, administrators, policy makers and others who want to deliver training programmes through online mode would also be benefited from the findings of this study.
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