Exploring the Potential of Social Media for Science Learning in Palestine: Educators' Perspectives

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Rami Muhtaseb
John Traxler
Howard Scott


This article reports on the findings of a study that explored educators’ use of social media in formal and informal science education in Palestine, and their perceptions of the integration of the available tools and resources into their formal teaching and learning. The study used semi-structured interviews with 18 educators at three Palestinian educational institutions providing different teaching modes, specifically: formal campus learning, formal blended learning, and informal community learning. The findings of the article indicate that educators place a clear value on the potential of social media to improve many aspects of formal and informal science education. The findings suggest that social media tools, by virtue of their informal and social character, can offer rich venues for effective interactions among different communities, which can be applied as a response to challenges that currently confront the Palestinian educators, students and the community, including a lack of science resources and mobility restrictions. The study provides a foundation for future thinking about the possibilities of investing in informal modes, tools, and structures as viable solutions to address educational challenges in regions experiencing instability.

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How to Cite
Muhtaseb, R., Traxler, J., & Scott, H. (2024). Exploring the Potential of Social Media for Science Learning in Palestine: Educators’ Perspectives. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 19(2). Retrieved from https://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/782