Blended Learning for Teaching Vocabulary in Baharin

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The current study aimed to investigate the effects of a proposed blended learning strategy in teaching medical vocabulary at Arabian Gulf University (AGU) on pre-medical students’ achievement. The study sample consisted of 50 students who scored less than 60% in AGU English Language Entry exam. The sample was randomly divided into two groups; 22 students in the control group and 28 in the experimental group. The research instrument was AGU English language unit exams in English 151. Data analysis revealed that there were no statistical significant differences between the experimental and the control group except with regard to the second midterm exam total score where the control group performed significantly better than the experimental group. It was argued that students' lack of vocabulary improvement was due to lack of administrative support.

Keywords: students' achievement, blended learning, vocabulary, virtual learning environment, WebCT

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How to Cite
ALSHWIAH , A. A. (2010). Blended Learning for Teaching Vocabulary in Baharin . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 8(1), 37-52. Retrieved from


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