Dimensions of Distance Student Support: Analysis of Practitioners’ Views

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The Open and Distance Learning system is acknowledged and encouraged by distance learners because of its inherent characteristics like openness, freedom of time, pace and place. Its success is to a large extent dependent upon effective student support services built in the ODL system. This article analyses the practitioners’ views and submits arguments for the effective student support services in ODL. It examines different definitions of support services, characteristics, problems and special needs at different stages of learners and various components constituting student support services. An attempt to classify the support services in to different domains and the justification for student support services are looked at. It concludes with the discussion on the built-in the need for humane element through support services for effective delivery of ODL Programmes.

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How to Cite
RAO , S. R. (2017). Dimensions of Distance Student Support: Analysis of Practitioners’ Views . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 12(1), 25-35. Retrieved from http://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/245


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