ICT @ SCHOOL Scheme in Himachal Pradesh, India

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Sanjeev Kumar


Himachal Pradesh is well known in all over the country for taking new steps regarding quality education at school level. The State has implemented various schemes for providing quality education to all students. This paper deals with the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in school education system. The hilly State has implemented the ICT @ School Scheme in 2010 – 11 in 628 schools. ICT is a global phenomenon, and children who are computer literate at an early stage of their lives might deal better with the modern world. A sound knowledge of ICT makes it much easier for growing students to find and organize information. Many schools have dynamic and vibrant virtual learning methods which gives students access to study materials, skills questions, sample papers and assignments. Some schools even have smart interactive white boards for teaching. Children find it more interesting and become more adept in multimedia presentations when engaging with them in their assignments. The researcher discussed ICT @ School Scheme with respect to schools undertaken in the scheme; selections of subjects, topics included and even the number of hard spots in the subjects concerned. The main challenges related to finance, teachers’ competency, administrative and social are being discussed in the thematic paper. The requirement of the trained staff, efficient equipments and need of motivation for using ICT in teaching – learning process are properly highlighted.

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How to Cite
Kumar , S. (2017). ICT @ SCHOOL Scheme in Himachal Pradesh, India . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 12(1), 51-59. Retrieved from http://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/249


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