Development of an Artificial Intelligence based Agriculture Distance Education Model for Prediction of Crop Price and Yield Levels in India

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Agriculture is the source of food and is indisputably the prime reason for the survival of the beings in the earth planet. With the surging population of people, there is a need for guaranteeing precision-centric, informed and optimized agriculture. It is all about generating quality, fresh and edible food in large quantities in order to feed the growing number of human beings. The role of information technology (IT) is therefore bound to escalate in the days to come towards intelligent agriculture. Newer trends and technologies are emerging and evolving fast. These bring forth a variety of transitions. With Smartphone’s, wearable’s, and IoT devices, the learning can happen everywhere all the time. Agriculturists and horticulturists ought to be knowledge-driven in their pursuits and passions in order to be hugely successful. Ubiquitous learning is, therefore, defined as an all-day learning environment supported by a bevy of edge technologies and tools. It is enriched with the Internet, which is emerging as the world's largest information superhighway. In this paper, we formulate a method for enabling ubiquitous learning for farmers to get the best price for their crops, to predict the crop yields, and to get other relevant information to attain the phenomenal success in their occupations. We have built and hosted a cloud application through which our farmers can easily get to know all the right and relevant details in order to plan and execute the farming in a clear and confident fashion.

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How to Cite
MADHUMATHI , R. (2017). Development of an Artificial Intelligence based Agriculture Distance Education Model for Prediction of Crop Price and Yield Levels in India . Asian Journal of Distance Education, 12(1), 69-78. Retrieved from


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