Learning Emotions in E-learning: How Do Adult Learners Feel?

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Lay Kee CH’NG


The rapid development of technology and the Internet accessibility have expanded the learning opportunities to everyone who has access to technology and the Internet. Higher education institutions have begun to integrate the use of technology into their education system, and this includes adult education. The experience of adult learners using technology to learn is an important knowledge to the field of adult learning. For decades, learning was mainly examined from the cognitive and motivational aspects and the affective processes have been ignored in the learning theories (Hascher, 2010; Kim, Park, & Cozart, 2014). The analysing of the functions of emotions among the middle-aged group for e-learning is necessary. Fourteen new students from first semester of a first-year programme in a private university, with ages ranging from 40–55 years, participated in the study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted and the participants have also submitted their journals about their emotions, learning process and experience, weekly. This study pointed out adult learners to be self and emotionally-conscious.

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How to Cite
CH’NG, L. K. (2019). Learning Emotions in E-learning: How Do Adult Learners Feel?. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 14(1), 34 - 46. Retrieved from http://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/288
Author Biography

Lay Kee CH’NG, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Dr Ch’ng Lay Kee has more than 7 years of experience in the field of educational technology. Lay Kee is currently leading a team of learning designers and multimedia designers on various projects in producing and editing instructional learning materials and various types of educational videos for higher education institutions. Her passion for e-learning and educational technology make her actively involved in presenting and publishing papers relating to ICT in education, instructional design and adult learning. Email: mousse2964@gmail.com


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