Preparedness for online learning in the context of Covid-19 in selected Sub-Saharan African countries

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Judith Pete
Jeketule Soko


This study sought to evaluate the instructor and learner preparedness for online learning in Sub-Saharan Africa. Specifically, the study explored the devices lecturers and learners use for teaching and learning, their level of digital proficiency, access to internet connection and finally, their level of satisfaction of connectivity cost, speed and stability.The study followed quantitative design and used structured questionnaire which were distinct for lecturers and students but with similar variables. It targeted three Sub-Saharan countries: Kenya, Ghana and Sought Africa. A total of 2,341 respondents participated in the research comprising of 855 lecturers and learners from Ghana, 842 from Kenya and 644 from South Africa.We found out that generally the respondents in the three countries use mostly laptops and smart phone devices compared to desktop computers except for Kenya where there was high record of desktop computers. Additionally, the use of tablet device was the least among the three countries. Lecturers and learners in these universities possessed intermediate digital proficiency which meant respondents were able to use a range of applications effectively. The study established that there was extremely low level of satisfaction with the internet connection, cost and reliability.The study recommended that institutions should maximize the use of mobile technology to teach and enhance online learning since majority of the learners possess smart phones and laptop devices. Universities should shift the focus from centralized Information Communication Technology investment in the campus to off campus empowering the learner and instructor than relying on campus Information Communication Technology hence to subsidize on internet bundles. Universities should lobby for subsidized internet bundles from internet providers and policy makers should reduce tax levies for internet service providers to offer affordable and reliable internet connection to learners and instructor off campus. In collaboration with universities, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization should prioritize capacity building for lecturers and other users to enhance skills and knowledge of online education.

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How to Cite
Pete, J., & Soko, J. (2020). Preparedness for online learning in the context of Covid-19 in selected Sub-Saharan African countries. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(2), 37-47. Retrieved from

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