Fulltime Students’ and Working Adults’ Perceptions of E-learning in Malaysia

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Dominic WONG


E-learning is becoming very popular nowadays : it attracts different learners - particularly working adults and fulltime students. This study reports the benefits of e-learning from the viewpoint of learners, and moreover the limitations of e-learning from the viewpoint of these learners. From the results, it may be beneficial for e-learning providers to improve themselves. Ultimately, this paper examines the differences in their perceptions towards the e-learning benefits and limitations between working adults and fulltime students. The results from the findings showed that e-learning was perceived as beneficial by both groups of learners but that the working adults perceived significantly more limitations in their e-learning. The findings from this study therefore supported the concept of creating different e-learning products customized for different learner groups.

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How to Cite
WONG , D. (2006). Fulltime Students’ and Working Adults’ Perceptions of E-learning in Malaysia. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 4(1), 67-84. Retrieved from http://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/73


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