Evaluation of Online Courses developed in China

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Qiyun WANG


The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of the online courses developed as a result of national projects in China. A total of 31 online courses were evaluated from the pedagogical, social, and technological perspectives. The results showed that the pedagogical design and the technological design of the online courses were sound. Comparatively, the social design aspect was weaker and needs to be further enhanced. This paper presents the context of online course development in China, the design dimensions of the online courses, and the evaluation results of the online courses. Suggestions for adoption in the development of future online courses are provided.

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How to Cite
WANG , Q. (2007). Evaluation of Online Courses developed in China. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 5(2). Retrieved from http://asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/79


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