Towards Developing AI Literacy: Three Student Provocations on AI in Higher Education

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Mavis Brew
Stephen Taylor
Rachel Lam
Leo Havemann
Chrissi Nerantzi


This article reports the reflections of the co-organisers on a recent AI in Higher Education event which was led by students from the University of Leeds and University College London. While academic communities and experts have contributed significantly to the discourse, students’ perspectives have so far been underrepresented. Three student provocations are shared which provided the focus of the discussions during the event. The student co-authors present future-gazing visions of the impact of AI in higher education and beyond. Our collaborative reflections highlight that whether we are seeking to bring about desirable, AI-empowered futures, or aspiring to evade undesirable consequences of these new technologies, it will be vital to develop and enhance the AI literacy of students and educators alike in order to make use of it ethically, creatively and critically.

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How to Cite
Brew, M., Taylor, S., Lam, R., Havemann, L., & Nerantzi, C. (2023). Towards Developing AI Literacy: Three Student Provocations on AI in Higher Education. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(2), 1-11. Retrieved from

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